
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

[130410] wutha very happy-day**

today2..!!!!!!~ yuhuu....wutha very happy-day!! sgt2!!!!!
then 4wut ak nk sedey sbb yusri xwish utk ak...oh...come on la..ilang die sorg ak dpt balik lebey dari tu!!! rmai  yg wish besday ak taun neh...sgt hepi...tepat jam 12...2 org pertma yg wish ak tp kat number yg berbeza...ANN dgn IRAH..n org yg dok ngn ak mse tu mstila SHLA..hepy tersngt!!!! xsia2 tengahari smlam ak escape jap...g Sg Wang cari kek..shla yg  beria2 pilih kek utk ak....huehue..saje nk hepykn diri sndiri!!!!....snap2 pix..mkn kek..gelak2..hnset ak non-stop ngn bunyi...jap msg..jap notification fesbuk..jap text dri bbm...duh***jammed ak!!!! tp seronok....shla mlayan ak smpai pkul 2 pg...msing2 dh tingtong baru masuk tido....oh ya>>>ak dpt tdy bear putih yg cute gyle~! from KAT!!! oke,housemate ak,frm philiphne..pengkid n sbnrnya DIE MINAT AK!!!!! glew r....mmg dari dlu lg...mse ktorg serumah kat BLok B..then ak move ke Blok A...n skg,die pon move gak n serumah ngn ak!!!! tp ak xmlayan die..ahahaha..ak normal ok!!!!! tp..die pnh kiss pipi ak..buduh glew r...ahahaha..neway..sgt terharu ngn present yg die bg tu!!!thnx 2 U!!!!

................perghh,dtg ofis...bkk fesbuk..ya ampun..mcm yg ak knl..yg ak xknl....sume wish!!!! GOD!!!! ak sgt terharu!!!! seriuosly!!!...ak rase taun nie pling BESH!!!!

IRAH/ANN/SHLA~~thnx 4 all !!!!Friends are the most important ingredient in this recipe of life."  syg korg teramat sgt!!! n hidup ak sekarang.COMPLETE!!!!! yeahhhh!!!

terharu sbb shla wpn penat tp ttp gak melayan ak
terharu sbb tgk blog irah
terharu dgn post ann tag nm ak

"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me."
heart them!!! damm much!!!

[my besday cake]

[ptong cake]